IBM Simulators








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Weaver 1.0.0


This is a C++ compiled version of Weaver and User's Manual with all the needed information to reproduce the results of Moya-Laraño et al. 2014 Adv Ecol Res 50:75-144.






Weaver 0.9.3


This is the C++ ported version of Mini-Akira as implemented by Gabriel Barrionuevo and his colleagues from the Supercomputing and Algorithms research team at the University of Almería. It increases computing speed by 5 orders of magnitude relative to the R version!



Mini-Akira 1.0.3


This is the R beta version of “Weaver” (see above). This IBM is semi-spatially explicit (animals move among patches distributed in a 1D array) and patches vary in productivity (i.e. the growth rate of soil basal resources: fungi). Both predators and prey have multidimensional genetic variation in 13 traits, 4 of which are temperature plasticity traits which modify other traits. Also both predators and prey move adaptively searching for the patches with the least predation risk and maximum food availability. Since traits have a quantitative genetic basis one can study how different environments (e.g. temperature, predator presence, predator number) affect trait evolution and how this trait evolution affects an ecosystem process: trophic cascades enhancing fungi growth.



Moya-Laraño, J.; Verdeny-Vilalta, O.; Rowntree, J.; Melguizo, N.; Montserrat, M., Laiolo, P. 2012. Climate Change and eco-evolutionary dynamics in food webs. Adv. Ecol. Res. 47:1-80.


Moya-Laraño, J.; Foellmer, M.W.; Pekár, S.; Arnedo, M.A.; Bilde, T.; Lubin, Y. 2013. Evolutionary ecology: linking traits, selective pressures and ecological functions. in: Spider research in the XXI century: trends and perspectives. ed.: D. Penney. Siri Scientific Press. Manchester, UK; pp 122-153.




An IBM to simulate the evolution of female strategies (behavioural syndromes) associated to sexual cannibalism. Code in MATLAB here. Manuscript currently in preparation.