Following a circuitous trajectory I seem to have settled on the dry, windy shores of Almeria: a most unlikely place to study the ecology and evolution of plant-pollinator interactions. And yet, this has been the main research topic of my small group since my arrival to the EEZA in 2003.



                         Miguel A. Rodríguez Gironés
How to reach us




Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre


Ciencia Crítica

Estación Experimental de Zonas Áridas


I am particularly interested in looking at the dark side of plant-pollinator interactions: to what extent are floral traits shaped to keep parasites at bay? To answer this question we integrate several approaches: analytical and simulation models, laboratory and field experiments. The topics we cover are equally diverse, spanning from individual foraging decisions to the structure of pollination networks, from the psychophysics of colour vision to the effect of ambush predators on plant-pollinator interactions.










With a broader perspective, the question that underlies most of my research is how conflicts between interacting individuals are solved. I have addressed this question in a number of different contexts, such as parent-offspring conflict, brood parasitism, predation or sexual conflict. And I quite willingly jump into any new project that sounds fun.