, 2018 Journal of Ornithology Cellular and humoral immunity in two highly demanding energetic life stages: reproduction and moulting in the Chinstrap Penguin
2017 EcoHealth Isolation of Campylobacter spp. from Three Species of Antarctic Penguins in Different Geographic Locations
2016 Journal of Wildlife Diseases Mode of attachment and pathology caused by Parorchites zederi in three species of penguins: Pygoscelis papua, Pygoscelis adeliae, and Pygoscelis antarctica in Antarctica
2016 Polar Biology Leukocyte counts in different populations of Antarctic Pygoscelid penguins along the Antarctic Peninsula
2016 Journal of Helmintology Morphological, molecular and phylogenetic analyses of the spirurid nematode Stegophorus macronectes (Johnston & Mawson, 1942)
2015 Polar Biology Leukocyte counts in different populations of Antarctic Pygoscelid penguins along the Antarctic Peninsula
2015 Journal of Helmintology Morphological, molecular and phylogenetic analyses of the spirurid nematode Stegophorus macronectes (Johnston & Mawson, 1942)
2015 Polar Biology Erythrocytic abnormalities in three Antarctic penguin species along the Antarctic Peninsula: biomonitoring of genomic damage
2014 Journal of Arid Environments Biogeography of haemo- and ectoparasites of an arid-land bird, the Trumpeter finch
Jan, 2014 Molecular Ecology -pdf Refugia, colonization and diversification of an arid-adapted bird: Coincident patterns between genetic data and ecological niche modelling
2013 Marine Pollution Bulletin Monitoring trace elements in Antarctic penguin chicks from South Shetland Islands, Antarctica
2012 Marine Ecology Progress Series Population genetic structure and colonisation of the western Antarctic Peninsula by the seabird tick Ixodes uriae
2012 Parasitology Experimental assessment of the effects of gastrointestinal parasites on offspring quality in chinstrap penguins (Pygoscelis antarctica)
2012 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (DOI 10.1007/s11356-012-1235-z) Distribution of metals and trace elements in adult and juvenile penguins from the Antarctic Peninsula area
2012 Antarctic Science Pollution and physiological variability in gentoo penguins at two rookeries with different levels of human visitation.
2012 Animal Conservation Parity, but not inbreeding, affects juvenile mortality in two captive endangered gazelles
2012 Polar Biology Population decline of chinstrap penguins (Pygoscelis antarctica)on Deception Island, South Shetlands, Antarctica
2012 Parasitology Research -pdf Gastrointestinal parasites in Chinstrap Penguins from Deception Island, South Shetlands, Antarctica
2011 Environmental Pollution Concentration of trace elements in feathers of three Antarctic penguins: Geographical and interspecific differences
2011 Journal for Nature Conservation Mother traits and offspring sex in two threatened gazelle species in captivity.
2011 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology -pdf White tail markings are an indicator of quality and affect mate preference in rock sparrows
2010 Toxicology Letters -pdf Heavy metals and essentials elements in bones of three species of penguins from King George Island, Antarctica
2010 Etologuia -pdf Tras la pista de un recién llegado: ¿de dónde vienen y adónde van los camachuelos trompeteros?
2010 Antarctic Science -pdf Apparent absence of Cryptosporidium, Giardia and Toxoplasma gondii in three species of penguins along Antarctic Peninsula
2009 Journal of Arid Environments -pdf Breeding parameters of the trumpeter finch at the periphery of its range: A case study with mainland expanding and island populations
2009 Polar Biology -pdf Beak colouration as a possible sexual ornament in gentoo penguins: sexual dichromatism and relationship to body condition
2009 Acta Oecologica -pdf Plasticity of nest site selection in the trumpeter finch: a comparison between two habitats
2009 International Zoo Yearbook The role of zoos and aquariums in research into the effects of climate change on animal health
2009 Journal of Biogeography -pdf Colonization patterns and genetic structure of peripheral populations of the trumpeter finch (Bucanetes githagineus) from Northwest Africa, the Canary Islands and the Iberian Peninsula
2008 Journal of Physical Chemistry B Antiradical power of carotenoids and vitamin E: testing the hydrogen atom transfer mechanism
2007 Polar Environment and Climate: The Challenges pp. 129-131 Potential of the study of Antarctic birds for assessing climate change in the Antarctic Peninsula
2007 Annales Zoologici Fennici Seed selection by the Trumpeter finch, Bucanetes githagineus. What currency does this arid land species value?
2007 Polar Biology Population variability in heat shock proteins among three Antarctic penguin species
2007 Journal of Ornithology -pdf Temperature but not rainfall influences timing of breeding in a desert bird, the trumpeter finch (Bucanetes githagineus)
2007 Ecoscience -pdf Thriving in an arid environment: High prevalence of avian lice in low humidity conditions
2007 Marine Ornithology -pdf Southernmost record of the magellanic penguin Spheniscus magellanicus in Antarctica
2006 Manuales de Conservación de la Naturaleza, 3. Consejería de Medio Ambiente. Junta de Andalucía. Sevilla Camachuelo Trompetero. En M. Yanes y J.M. Delgado: Aves Esteparias en Andalucía. Bases para su conservación
2005 International Studbook Gazella dama mhorr. Biblioteca de Ciencias. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas
2004 Ecoscience -pdf Cell-mediated immune response affects food intake but not body mass: an experiment with wintering great tits
2003 Ethology -pdf Effect of daily body mass variation on the foraging behaviour of tit species (Parus spp.)
2003 Journal of Arid Environments -pdf Low prevalence of haematozoa in Trumpeter finches Bucanetes githagineus from Southeastern Spain: additional support for a restricted distribution of blood parasites in arid lands
2002 Ecoscience -pdf Blood stress protein levels in relation to sex and parasitism of barn swallows (Hirundo rustica)
2002 Avian Science -pdf Sex differences in T-cell-mediated immune response in great tits Parus major.
2002 Acta Ethologica -pdf Does always vigilance covary negatively with group size? Effects of foraging strategy
2001 Ecoscience -pdf Differences in daily mass gain between subordinate species are explained by differences in ecological plasticity
2001 International Journal of Parasitology -pdf Physiological and haematological consequences of a novel parasite on the red-rumped swallow Hirundo rustica
2001 Biodiversity and Conservation -pdf Hunting impact on waders in Spain: Effects of species protection measures
2001 Ethology -pdf Foraging behaviour of subordinate Great Tits (Parus major). Can morphology reduce the costs of subordination?.
2001 Oecologia -pdf Ecological plasticity by morphological design reduces costs of subordination: influence on species distribution.
2000 Canadian Journal of Zoology -pdf Site familiaritiy affects antipredator behavior of the amphisbaenian Blanus cinereus
2000 Herpetological Journal -pdf State-dependent and risk-sensitive escape decisions in a fossorial reptile, the amphisbaenian Blanus cinereus
2000 Ardeola Social relationships in great tits (Parus major), wintering in a mountainous habitat in Central Spain
1999 Behavioral Ecology -pdf Sexual selection and tail streamers in the barn swallow: Appropriate tests of the function of size-dimorphic long tails
1999 Behavioral Ecology -pdf Aerodynamic costs of long tails in male barn swallows Hirundo rustica and the evolution of sexual size dimorphism
1999 Journal of Evolutionary Biology -pdf Phenotypic selection on fledging body size in the Chinstrap penguin Pygoscelis antarctica
1999 Ardeola -pdf Tail streamers and flight performance in barn swallows:natural or sexual selection?
1999 Biological Journal of the Linnean Society Hindlimb morphology and locomotor performance in waders. An evolutionary approach
1998 Oecologia -pdf Increase in a heat-shock protein from red blood cells in response of nestling house martins (Delichon urbica) to parasitism: an experimental approach
1998 Proceedings of the Royal Society Biological Sciences -pdf Sexual selection and tail streamers in the barn swallow
1997 Polar Biology -pdf Hematocrit value in Chinstrap Penguins (Pygoscelis antarctica) variation with age and reproductive status
1997 Auk -pdf The effects of hatching date and parental quality on chick growth and creching age in the Chinstrap penguin (Pygoscelis antarctica): a field experiment
1997 Polar Biology -pdf Absence of hematozoa in a wild chinstrap penguin Pygoscelis antarctica population
1997 Journal of Field Ornithology -pdf The effects of predation risk on scanning and flocking behavior in dunlin
1997 Polar Biology -pdf Breeding group size, nest position and breeding success in the chinstrap penguin
1997 Acta Oecologica -pdf Foraging strategy and predator avoidance behaviour: an intraspecific approach
1997 -pdf Conservación de aves limícolas. En : Las aves limícolas en España. Barbosa, A. (ed.). Organismo Autonomo de Parques Nacionales Ministerio de Medio Ambiente.
1997 -pdf Areas de importancia internacional y nacional para las aves limícolas en España. En : Las aves limícolas en España. Barbosa, A. (ed.). Organismo Autonomo de Parques Nacionales. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente
1997 -pdf Introducción. Características Generales de la Biología de las aves limícolas. En : Las aves imícolas en España. Barbosa, A. (ed.).Organismo Autonomo de Parques Nacionales. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente
1997 -pdf Las aves limícolas en España.(Editor). Organismo Autonomo de Parques Nacionales Ministerio de Medio Ambiente
1997 Proceedings of the Royal Society Biological Sciences Should congruence between intra- and interspecific ecomorphological relationships be expected ? A case study with the great tit, Parus major
1996 Ethology, Ecology and Evolution -pdf Relationship between bill morphology to preening behaviour in waders. Ethology, Ecology and Evolution
1996 Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde -pdf Diverstiy and abundance of small mammals in Iberia: Peninsular effect or habitat suitability?.
1996 Journal of Coastal Research -pdf Foraging habitat use in a Mediterranean estuary by dunlin, Calidris alpina.
1995 Journal of Avian Biology -pdf Foraging strategies and their influence in scanning and flocking behaviour of waders (Aves: Charadrii).
1992 Global Ecology and Biogeography Letters -pdf The importance of geographical variation in the diet of Tyto alba in Central Spain.
1992 Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde Distribution pattern of small mammal fauna along latitudinal and altitudinal gradients in Northern Spain