Co-ordination: Juan Puigdefabregas EEZA (CSIC)

Jose Maria Garcia Ruiz IPE - Zaragoza (CSIC)
Bernardo Alvera IPE - Jaca (CSIC)
Francesc Gallart IJA (CSIC)
Victor Castillo CEBAS (CSIC)
Silvio Martinez IGE (CSIC)
Maria Jose Martin CINDOC (CSIC)
Teresa Mendizabal CSIC - central organization
Joaquin Melia Dpto. Termodinámica (Universidad de Valencia)
Francisco Lopez Bermudez Dpto. Geografía Física (Universidad de Murcia)
Susanne Schnabel Dpto. Geografía, Universidad de Extremadura
Ana Iglesias Fundación Premio Arce (ETSI Agrónomos de Madrid)

Juan Puigdefabregas

Estación Experimental de Zonas Aridas
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

General Segura 1
  E 04001 Almeria (Spain)
  Phone: 34950281045
  Fax: 34950277100

The group’s research interests include the assessment of landscape responses to human and climatic driving forces in extreme environments and the development of indicators of land condition and land degradation. The research is carried out at several scales ranging from the plot to the landscape and the region. The group operates the Rambla Honda and El Cautivo experimental field sites, that have been running during the last ten years. Currently the team is concerned with understanding the sources and processes of spatial heterogeneity in drylands, and the implications on vegetation and soil patterns, rainfall partition and evapotranspiration,and ecological connectivity. Available techniques and facilities include the field sites of Rambla Honda-El Cautivo that have been running during the last 10 years, as well as field and laboratory techniques of surface hydrology, soil physics, soil micro-morphology, micro-meteorology, plant physiology, spatial modelling and GIS management.

Albert Sole Benet,
Gabriel del Barrio,
Francisco Domingo,
Yolanda Cantón,
Matthias Boer,
Sebastian Vidal,
Roberto Lazaro,
Miguel Angel Domene,
Alfredo Durán,
Montserrat Guerrero,
Luis Villagarcía,