Eulalia Moreno Mañas

ORCID:0000-0002-7197-5679  (

Researcher ID: D-4230-2014


Education and Training

PhD Zoology. Universidad Complutense. Madrid. 1985.
Fleming Fellowship (British Council). Sub-Department of Ornithology. Natural History Museum. UK. 1987-88.
Postdoctoral Fellowships. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales – CSIC. Madrid. 1988-1993.



1993: Tenured Scientist, Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, CSIC), Madrid, Spain

1999: Tenured Scientist: Estación Experimental de Zonas Áridas (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, CSIC), Almería, Spain

Since 2009: Research Professor, Estación Experimental de Zonas Áridas (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, CSIC), Almería, Spain


Postal Address:
Estación Experimental de Zonas Áridas – CSIC

Dept. Ecología Funcional y Evolutiva
Ctra. de Sacramento s/n
E-04120 Almería (SPAIN)
Tel: +34 950 281045
Fax: +34 950 277100



Research Interests

There are three primary lines of research I am interested in:

Birds of arid and semiarid areas. Arid and semi-arid environments are ecologically fragile habitats. Their species in general and those of birds in particular use to exhibit a restrictive geographical distribution and a wide range of morphological, physiological and even behavioural adaptations to their harsh environment. Some of these "arid" birds represent keystone species potentially useful as indicators of the effect of global change. I try to develop a practical approach to be used by wildlife managers and policymakers to identify indicators of global change by using bird data. I am also interested in knowing how habitat changes associated to human activities affect these species to propose measures for their conservation.

Population biology, trying to develop tools for enhancing captive breeding management. Captive breeding of a threatened species is an important and in some cases very successful tool for species conservation. For most captive breeding programmes a studbook is maintained which include detailed records of information such as births, deaths, genealogical relationships, and other biological data for all the individuals of the species maintained in captivity. By using studbook data of the species of ungulates housed in La Hoya Experimental Field Station (Nanger dama mhorr and Gazella cuvieri), I try to provide an insight into the demographic information of the registered populations to be used further in their management and captive breeding programmes and future re-introductions.
 • Conservation genetics of endangered ungulates. Since small populations are likely to lose genetic variation and suffer from inbreeding depression, I try to implement conservation strategies designed in genetic terms to monitor and avoid these effects as short-term goals, and to retain reestablishment or adaptive potential in nature (reintroduced populations) as the long-term goal.

Current Projects

Reintroduction of Cuvier's Gazelle in Djebel Serj National Park (Tunisia) 

In January 2015 an “Accord Cadre de Cooperation Scientifique et Technique” between the Direction Générale des Forêst (DGF) and the CSIC-EEZA was signed to undertake a reintroduction project taking advantage of the captive breeding programmes of endangered gazelles developed by the CSIC for the last 45 years. Its main aim is to reintroduce Cuvier’s gazelles in several Tunisian protected areas, with the final objectives of facilitating the restauration of viable populations of this endangered gazelle in part of its historical range of distribution. Fourty three individuals (12 males and 31 females) of this species were reintroduced in Jebel Serj in October 2016. Upon arrival, reintroduced animals were distributed among several enclosures (soft release; additional details in Moreno et al. (2020)). The population increased so much than in November 2019 more than 30 individuals were relased into the wild. Up to 2023, over 110 individuals were born in captivity and wild population is over 60 gazelles. 

Learn more about this project clicking here:

A 25 minutes film (Return home) is available at (English version); (Spanish version); (Arabic version)


• Analysis of the deployment of solar energy in the SE of the Iberian Peninsula. Proposals to meet EU environmental objectives through spatial planning, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union "NextGenerationEU"/PRTR (call 2021) (Ref. TED2021-130035B-100) (1 December 2022 to 30 November 2024). Principal Investigator. Francisco Valera. Participants: Eulalia Moreno, Luis Bolonio. 

The deployment of solar photovoltaic energy is essential for the decarbonization of our economy and for the ecological transition. Such deployment has to be framed within the framework of Regulation (EU) 2020/852 (Taxonomy Regulation), a key part of the European Union's Sustainable Finance Plan. Such Regulation establishes that an economic activity will be environmentally sustainable when it substantially contributes to one or more of the environmental objectives set out in Article 9, including: a) climate change mitigation. b) adaptation to climate change. Therefore, solar photovoltaic energy meets the requirements to be considered as a sustainable economic activity. However, if this technology is implemented without adequate land management and planning, it may have adverse effects that call into question its environmental sustainability. Specifically, the Taxonomy Regulation establishes that an economic activity will not be environmentally sustainable if it causes significant detriment to any of the objectives established in Article 9, among which are: f) protection and recovery of biodiversity and ecosystems. Consequently, the starting hypothesis of this project is that the consideration of photovoltaic plants as an environmentally sustainable economic activity depends, to a large extent, on the balance between the benefits they bring to climate change mitigation and adaptation and the damage that their deployment may cause to biodiversity, ecosystems, landscape and the socioeconomic fabric of the rural world. This project aims to contribute to the resolution of such a conflict by addressing two main objectives: 1. To study how the deployment of photovoltaic power plants is taking place in an area of special interest for them, in order to assess whether this economic activity can be considered environmentally sustainable based on Regulation 2020/852. 2. To make a land-use planning proposal that specifies minimum criteria and requirements to be met by photovoltaic installations in order to avoid significant damage to any of the environmental objectives of Regulation 2020/852. To achieve these objectives, we will analyse the deployment of photovoltaic energy in Campo de Tabernas (Almeria), which concentrates projects totalling 1.5 GW of photovoltaic solar power. In addition, Campo de Tabernas is an excellent example of the semi-arid ecosystems of southeastern Spain, with unique environmental, ecological and landscape values.


Recent Projects

• Effect of biotic interactions on parasite-host relationships, funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (2018 call) (Ref. PGC2018-097426-B-C22). 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2022. Principal investigator. Francisco Valera. Participants: Eulalia Moreno.

• Trabajos de evaluación ecológica y medioambiental de sistemas sensibles ambientalmente en el Salar de Atacama. Funded by SQM, S.L. Salar (Chile). Jan 2019-July 2020. Coordinator: Eulalia Moreno. Eleven researchers were involved in this project belonging to seven CSIC institutes. 


Full list of projects

• Biotic and abiotic determinants of the spatio-temporal variation in host-parasite interactions funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (Ref. CGL2012-34735). Jan 2015-Dec 2018. Principal investigator. Francisco Valera. Participants: Eulalia Moreno

• Global Change in Arid Ecosystems (GLOCHARID). Sub-project Biology: Fauna - BirdsFunded by Consejería de Medio Ambiente. Junta de Andalucía through Centro Andaluz para la Evaluación y Seguimiento del Cambio Global (CAESG). Duration: 2010-2014. Project Leader: Eulalia Moreno. Project participants: Enrique López Carrique, Jesús Benzal

• Efecto de factores ambientales en interacciones parásito-hospedador. Aplicabilidad a la conservación de fauna silvestre. (CGL2008 00562/BOS). 2009-2014. Principal investigator. Francisco Valera. Participants: Eulalia Moreno

• Reinforcement of the Nanger dama mhorr population in Senegal. Funded by the OAPN of the Spanish Ministry of Environment and the UNESCO. 2010-2014. Project Leader: Eulalia Moreno:
FILM: La Gacela Perdida: Reforzamiento de la Gacela Mohor (Nanger dama mhorr) en Senegal (French and Spanish versions)
• Variabilidad fenotípica y patrones de interconexión poblacional en el Camachuelo Trompetero, Bucanetes githagineus. (    ). Funded by Ministry of Education and Science. 2005-2008. Project Leader: Eulalia Moreno


• Estudio de una especie de reciente colonización, Bucanetes githagineus, indicadora de zonas áridas: ecogenética, ecomorfología, ecofisiología e implicaciones para su conservación. REN2002-00169/GLO. 2002-2005. Project Leader: Eulalia Moreno

• Consecuencias del manejo forestal sobre la diversidad y abundancia de las ornitocenosis en pinares y hayedos de la Comunidad foral de Navarra. Gobierno de Navarra. 2000-2002. (Co-leaders: J.J. Cuervo and E. Moreno).

• Estudio y seguimiento de las poblaciones de murciélagos u sus interacciones con los Parques Eólicos en la Comunidad Foral de Navarra. Gobierno de Navarra. 2000-2002. (Co-leaders: E. Moreno and J. Benzal).

• Estudio del Camachuelo Trompetero: Patrones de distribución y selección de hábitat en Andalucía. Junta de Andalucía. 2003. Project Leader: Eulalia Moreno

• Modificaciones adaptativas de la extremidad posterior en los Passeriformes palustres: un estudio ecomorfológico y evolutivo. Project Leader: Eulalia Moreno

• Plasticidad ecológica y morfología. La importancia del diseño en la reducción de costes de subordinación. DGES PB98 0506.1999-2002. Project Leader: Eulalia Moreno

• Consecuencias ecológicas y evolutivas del diseño animal. Un estudio ecomorfológico utilizando Passeriformes como organismos modelo. DGES PB95 0103. 1996-1999. Project Leader: Eulalia Moreno

• Plasticidad ecológica y plasticidad fenotípica. Un estudio biogeográfico con especies del género Parus. DGESIC. Acción Integrada Hispano-Francesa HF98-73. 1999-2000. Project Leader: Eulalia Moreno

• Estudio del Camachuelo Trompetero: patrones de dispersión y demografía. 2004. Junta de Andalucía - EGMASA. Project Leader: Eulalia Moreno

• Etude pilote dans la région pyrénéenne (phase II). European Topic Centre on Nature Conservation (Under contract of the European Environment Agency). 1996. Project Leader: Eulalia Moreno

• Harmonisation de la terminologie des données relatives aux espèces. European Topic Centre on Nature Conservation (Under contract of the European Environment Agency). July 1996-January 1997. Project Leader: Eulalia Moreno

• Base de données sur les synonymes d’espèces. European Topic Centre on Nature Conservation (Under contract of the European Environment Agency). May-November 1997. Project Leader: Eulalia Moreno

• Mise à jour de la base de données EUNIS sur les synonymes d’espèces. European Topic Centre on Nature Conservation (Under contract of the European Environment Agency). 1998. Project Leader: Eulalia Moreno

• Background data and information for the EEA report on biodiversity in Europe on species and habitats in arid lands in the Mediterranean part of Europe. Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente. 2000. 1999. Project Leader: Eulalia Moreno

• DGICYT/Kernfor-schungenszentrum Karlsruhe (GMBH) . HA 39ª. 1990. Project Leader: Eulalia Moreno


Publications  (Please, e-mail me if you are interested in getting a reprint, copy, or additional information. Or write to my postal address. 

Moreno, E., Benzal, J. & Jiménez, I. (Eds). 2022. La Estación Experimental de Zonas Áridas (1947-2022). Reconstruyendo nuestra historia construimos nuestro futuro. Editorial CSIC. Madrid. 484 páginas. ISBN: 978-84-00-11072-7.

Moreno, E. 2022. ¿Es siempre deletérea la consanguinidad? Mirando la otra cara de la moneda durante 20 años de estudio de la gacela de Cuvier y el antílope mohor. En, E. Moreno, J. Benzal & I Jiménez (eds): La Estación Experimental de Zonas Áridas (1947-2022). Reconstruyendo nuestra historia construimos nuestro futuro, pp: 457-480. Editorial CSIC. Madrid.

Moreno, E. & Cazorla, M.C. 2022. Del Instituto de Aclimatación a la Estación Experimental de Zonas Áridas: la historia del CSIC en Almería. En, E. Moreno, J. Benzal & I Jiménez (eds): La Estación Experimental de Zonas Áridas (1947-2022). Reconstruyendo nuestra historia construimos nuestro futuro, pp: 73-96. Editorial CSIC. Madrid.

Jiménez, I & Moreno, E. 2022. Recuperación de un fondo iconográfico encontrado en la Estación Experimental de Zonas Áridas. En, E. Moreno, J. Benzal & I Jiménez (eds): La Estación Experimental de Zonas Áridas (1947-2022). Reconstruyendo nuestra historia construimos nuestro futuro, pp: 173-207. Editorial CSIC. Madrid.


Podcast: <iframe src="" frameBorder="0" width="100%" height="110px" allow="autoplay"></iframe> Associated article: Genetic purging in captive endangered ungulates with extremely low effective population sizes Heredityvolume 127pages433–442 (2021)


Ecology and Evolution

Pedigree analysis in the mhorr gazelle (Nanger dama mhorr): Genetic variability evolution of the captive population

The expansion of the Australian tortoise beetle Trachymela sloanei (Chrysomelidae: Chrysomelinae, Chrysomelini, Paropsina) in Spain: Using human-made shelters for an early detection strategy


Systematics and the management units of the dama gazelle Nanger dama.


Ardeola, a scientific journal of ornithology: Cooperative survivorship within the Red Queen game


Anillamiento científico: estado actual y perspectivas de futuro

Molecular Ecology -pdf

Refugia, colonization and diversification of an arid-adapted bird: Coincident patterns between genetic data and ecological niche modelling

Quercus -pdf

Sobre malvasías paquistaníes y otras consideraciones


Camachuelo Trompetero. En, SEO/BirdLife: Atlas de las aves en invierno en España 2007-2010, pp. 532-533. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente-SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. ISBN: 978-84-8014-840-5

Animal Conservation

Parity, but not inbreeding, affects juvenile mortality in two captive endangered gazelles

Rev. Écol. La Terre et al Vie

Vegetation structure in beech-fir forests:Effects on the avian community

De Harpij -pdf

Project ter versterking van de populatie damagazellen in Senegal (Reinforcement of the dama gazelle population in Senegal)

Journal for Nature Conservation

Mother traits and offspring sex in two threatened gazelle species in captivity.

Mammalian Biology

No inbreeding effects on body size in two captive endangered gazelles

Etologuia -pdf

Tras la pista de un recién llegado: ¿de dónde vienen y adónde van los camachuelos trompeteros?


Los programas de cría en cautividad: Una herramienta necesaria para la conservación de especies amenazadas

La Garcilla

La conducta de las aves en un ambiente extremo

Journal of Arid Environments -pdf

Breeding parameters of the trumpeter finch at the periphery of its range: A case study with mainland expanding and island populations

En: Conservación y desarrollo en la Meseta de Tagant (Mauritania)

Resturación de ungulados sahelo-saharianos en la Meseta de Tagant

Acta Oecologica -pdf

Plasticity of nest site selection in the trumpeter finch: a comparison between two habitats

Journal of Biogeography -pdf

Colonization patterns and genetic structure of peripheral populations of the trumpeter finch (Bucanetes githagineus) from Northwest Africa, the Canary Islands and the Iberian Peninsula


Morphological Evolution of Spiders Predicted by Pendulum Mechanics

Cuvier's Gazelle, Gazella cuvieri, International Studbook. Managing and Husbandry Guidelines. Editado por el Ayuntamiento de Roquetas de Mar (Área de Cultura). Almería. 152 pp. ISBN:978-84-936827-0-5

En: Las Aves de Andalucía. Una visión dibujada.

El Camachuelo Trompetero: un recién llegado a España

PloS ONE 3(3)

Morphological evolution of spiders predicted by pendulum mechanics

Ardeola -pdf

Suitable cavities as a scarce resource for both cavity and non-cavity nesting birds in managed temperate forests. A case study in the Iberian Peninsula

Acta Ornithologica -pdf

Does habitat structure affect body condition of nestlings? A case study with woodland great tits Parus major

Annales Zoologici Fennici

Seed selection by the Trumpeter finch, Bucanetes githagineus. What currency does this arid land species value?

Journal of Ornithology -pdf

Temperature but not rainfall influences timing of breeding in a desert bird, the trumpeter finch (Bucanetes githagineus)

Ecoscience -pdf

Thriving in an arid environment: High prevalence of avian lice in low humidity conditions


Northward expansion of a desert bird: Effects of climate change?

Manuales de Conservación de la Naturaleza, 3. Consejería de Medio Ambiente. Junta de Andalucía. Sevilla

Camachuelo Trompetero. En M. Yanes y J.M. Delgado: Aves Esteparias en Andalucía. Bases para su conservación


Forelimb muscles and migration: finding ecomorphological patterns using a phylogenetically-based method

Las aves y los estudios ecomorfológicos. En, J. L. Tellería (Ed.): La Ornitología hoy. Homenaje al Profesor Francisco Bernis, pág. 53-71. Editorial Complutense. Madrid.


Una visión de la ornitología española a través de 50 años de Ardeola

Ecoscience -pdf

Cell-mediated immune response affects food intake but not body mass: an experiment with wintering great tits

Ethology -pdf

Effect of daily body mass variation on the foraging behaviour of tit species (Parus spp.)

Journal of Arid Environments -pdf

Low prevalence of haematozoa in Trumpeter finches Bucanetes githagineus from Southeastern Spain: additional support for a restricted distribution of blood parasites in arid lands

Avian Science -pdf

Sex differences in T-cell-mediated immune response in great tits Parus major.

Ecoscience -pdf

Differences in daily mass gain between subordinate species are explained by differences in ecological plasticity

Ethology -pdf

Foraging behaviour of subordinate Great Tits (Parus major). Can morphology reduce the costs of subordination?.

Oecologia -pdf

Ecological plasticity by morphological design reduces costs of subordination: influence on species distribution.


A phylogenetically-based analysis on the relationship between wing morphology and migratory behaviour in Passeriformes


Effects of body mass on the foraging behaviour of subordinate Coal Tits Parus ater

Journal of Zoology, London

Ecomorphological patterns related to migration. A comparative osteological study with passerines


Effects of body mass on subordinates foraging behaviour in Coal Tits, Parus ater


Social relationships in great tits (Parus major), wintering in a mountainous habitat in Central Spain


Evolution of foraging strategies in shorebirds : an ecomorphological approach

Biological Journal of the Linnean Society

Hindlimb morphology and locomotor performance in waders. An evolutionary approach

Polar Biol

The effect of nest size on stone-gathering behaviour in the chinstrap penguin


Ecomorphological patterns related to migration in the genus Sylvia : an osteological analysis

Colonial Waterbirds

Age-related variations in bill size of chinstrap penguins


Breeding time, health and immune response in the chinstrap penguin Pygoscelis antartica

Proceedings of the Royal Society Biological Sciences

Should congruence between intra- and interspecific ecomorphological relationships be expected ? A case study with the great tit, Parus major

The Auk

Morphological aspects of avian tail movements: A functional approach in hirundines

Netherlands Journal of Zoolgy

Convergence in insectivorous aerial feeding birds

Canadian Journal of Zoology

Ecological plasticity of morphological designs. An exterimental analysis with Tit species


Hoarding Nuthatches spend more time hiding a husked seed than an unhusked seed

Evolutionary Ecology

Morphological evolution and changes in foraging behaviour of island and mainland populations of Blue Tit Parus caeruleus. A test of convergence and ecomorphological hypotheses


Hindlimb morphology and feeding postures in four species of Parus species. An experimental ecomorphological approach


Food caching vs immediate consumption in the Nuthatch: the effect of social context

Biological Journal of the Linnean Society

Ecomorphological pattern of aerial feeding in Oscines (Passeriformes: Passeri)

Journal für Ornithology

Scanning behaviour and spatial niche

Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde

Distribution pattern of small mammal fauna along latitudinal and altitudinal gradients in Northern Spain

Canadian Journal of Zoology

Proximal costs and benefits of heterospecific social foraging in Great Tit Parus major

Canadian Journal of Zoology

Pelvic appendage musculature of the Treecreepers (Passeriformes: Certhiidae). Myological adaptations for tail-supported climbing

Ethology, Ecology and Evolution

Patch residence time and vigilance in birds foraging at feeders. Implications of bill shape


The musculi flexor perforatus digiti II and flexor digitorum longus in Paridae

Annales Zoologici Fennici

Form and function of the fibularis brevis muscle in some passerine birds

Holarctic Ecology

Ecomorphological relationships in a group of insectivorous birds of temperate forests in winter

Hanak, V., Horacek, I. & Gaisler (eds.) European Bat Research

On the bat fauna distribution in Madrid (Central Spain. En:



Ctra. de Sacramento s/n, La Cañada de San Urbano, 04120, Almería (Spain)

Tel: (+34) 950281045 Fax: (+34) 950277100 ISN: 0*1592 sip: Skype: voip.eeza


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