2024 Ecology and Evolution Pedigree analysis in the mhorr gazelle (Nanger dama mhorr): Genetic variability evolution of the captive population
, 2024 The expansion of the Australian tortoise beetle Trachymela sloanei (Chrysomelidae: Chrysomelinae, Chrysomelini, Paropsina) in Spain: Using human-made shelters for an early detection strategy
, 2024 Environmental Impact Assessment Review Renewable energy acceleration endangers a protected species: Better stop to light a torch than run in the dark
2022 Land Deployment of Solar Energy at the Expense of Conservation Sensitive Areas Precludes Its Classification as an Environmentally Sustainable Activity
2022 Evolutionary Applications Insights from the rescue and breeding management of Cuvier’s gazelle (Gazella cuvieri) through whole-genome sequencing
2021 Heredity Genetic purging in captive endangered ungulates with extremely low effective population sizes
2021 Veterinary Record Zoological institutions as hotspots of gastrointestinal parasites that may affect the success of ungulate reintroduction programmes
2021 Animals Breeding strategies to optimize effective population size in low census captive populations: The case of gazella cuvieri
2021 Animals Breeding Strategies to Optimize Effective Population Size in Low Census Captive Populations: The Case of Gazella cuvieri
2021 Veterinary Record Zoological institutions as hotspots of gastrointestinal parasites that may affect the success of ungulate reintroduction programmes
, 2020 Global Ecology and Conservation Reintroducing Cuvier's gazelle. Better than expected from captive-bred founders
, 2019 Veterinary Record Survey of husbandry practices for bovidae in zoos: The importance of parasite management for reintroduction programmes
, 2018 Parasitology Off-host longevity of the winged dispersal stage of Carnus hemapterus (Insecta: Diptera) modulated by gender, body size and food provisioning
2016 Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research Hematology and serum biochemistry parameters in vaccinated vs. unvaccinated captive Cuvier’s gazelles: Implications for zoo management practices
Jun, 2016 Ardeola Ardeola, a scientific journal of ornithology: Cooperative survivorship within the Red Queen game
2015 Manual para el seguimiento del cambio global. Una propuesta para ambientes áridos y semiáridos Manual para el seguimiento del cambio global. Una propuesta para ambientes áridos y semiáridos. Ecosistemas Terrestres: Poblaciones de aves rapaces
Dec, 2015 PLoS ONE Better Fitness in Captive Cuvier’s Gazelle despite Inbreeding Increase: Evidence of Purging?
2014 Ecology and Evolution Estimates of direct and indirect effects for early juvenile survival in captive populations maintained for conservation purposes: the case of Cuvier's gazelle
2014 Journal of Arid Environments Biogeography of haemo- and ectoparasites of an arid-land bird, the Trumpeter finch
Jan, 2014 Molecular Ecology -pdf Refugia, colonization and diversification of an arid-adapted bird: Coincident patterns between genetic data and ecological niche modelling
2012 -pdf Camachuelo Trompetero. En, SEO/BirdLife: Atlas de las aves en invierno en España 2007-2010, pp. 532-533. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente-SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. ISBN: 978-84-8014-840-5
2012 Animals -pdf Changes in Habitat Structure May Explain Decrease in Reintroduced Mohor Gazelle Population in the Guembeul Fauna Reserve, Senegal
2012 Animal Conservation Parity, but not inbreeding, affects juvenile mortality in two captive endangered gazelles
2012 Accession number: JQ065723 -pdf Gazella cuvieri haplotype 2 D-loop, partial sequence; mitochondrial
2012 Accession number: JQ065722 -pdf Gazella cuvieri haplotype 1 D-loop, partial sequence; mitochondrial
2012 Accession number: JQ065724 -pdf Nanger dama mhorr haplotype 1 D-loop, partial sequence; mitochondrial
2012 Accession number: JQ065725 -pdf Nanger dama mhorr haplotype 2 D-loop, partial sequence; mitochondrial
2012 Rev. Écol. La Terre et al Vie Vegetation structure in beech-fir forests:Effects on the avian community
2011 De Harpij -pdf Project ter versterking van de populatie damagazellen in Senegal (Reinforcement of the dama gazelle population in Senegal)
2011 Journal for Nature Conservation Mother traits and offspring sex in two threatened gazelle species in captivity.
2010 Etologuia -pdf Tras la pista de un recién llegado: ¿de dónde vienen y adónde van los camachuelos trompeteros?
2010 Lychnos Los programas de cría en cautividad: Una herramienta necesaria para la conservación de especies amenazadas
2009 Journal of Arid Environments -pdf Breeding parameters of the trumpeter finch at the periphery of its range: A case study with mainland expanding and island populations
2009 En: Conservación y desarrollo en la Meseta de Tagant (Mauritania) Resturación de ungulados sahelo-saharianos en la Meseta de Tagant
2009 Acta Oecologica -pdf Plasticity of nest site selection in the trumpeter finch: a comparison between two habitats
2009 Journal of Biogeography -pdf Colonization patterns and genetic structure of peripheral populations of the trumpeter finch (Bucanetes githagineus) from Northwest Africa, the Canary Islands and the Iberian Peninsula
2008 Cuvier's Gazelle, Gazella cuvieri, International Studbook. Managing and Husbandry Guidelines. Editado por el Ayuntamiento de Roquetas de Mar (Área de Cultura). Almería. 152 pp. ISBN:978-84-936827-0-5
2008 En: Las Aves de Andalucía. Una visión dibujada. El Camachuelo Trompetero: un recién llegado a España
2007 Ardeola -pdf Suitable cavities as a scarce resource for both cavity and non-cavity nesting birds in managed temperate forests. A case study in the Iberian Peninsula
2007 Acta Ornithologica -pdf Does habitat structure affect body condition of nestlings? A case study with woodland great tits Parus major
2007 Annales Zoologici Fennici Seed selection by the Trumpeter finch, Bucanetes githagineus. What currency does this arid land species value?
2007 Journal of Ornithology -pdf Temperature but not rainfall influences timing of breeding in a desert bird, the trumpeter finch (Bucanetes githagineus)
2007 Ecoscience -pdf Thriving in an arid environment: High prevalence of avian lice in low humidity conditions
2006 Manuales de Conservación de la Naturaleza, 3. Consejería de Medio Ambiente. Junta de Andalucía. Sevilla Camachuelo Trompetero. En M. Yanes y J.M. Delgado: Aves Esteparias en Andalucía. Bases para su conservación
2005 Ardeola Forelimb muscles and migration: finding ecomorphological patterns using a phylogenetically-based method
2004 Las aves y los estudios ecomorfológicos. En, J. L. Tellería (Ed.): La Ornitología hoy. Homenaje al Profesor Francisco Bernis, pág. 53-71. Editorial Complutense. Madrid.
2004 Ecoscience -pdf Cell-mediated immune response affects food intake but not body mass: an experiment with wintering great tits
2003 Ethology -pdf Effect of daily body mass variation on the foraging behaviour of tit species (Parus spp.)
2003 Journal of Arid Environments -pdf Low prevalence of haematozoa in Trumpeter finches Bucanetes githagineus from Southeastern Spain: additional support for a restricted distribution of blood parasites in arid lands
2002 Avian Science -pdf Sex differences in T-cell-mediated immune response in great tits Parus major.
2001 Ecoscience -pdf Differences in daily mass gain between subordinate species are explained by differences in ecological plasticity
2001 Ethology -pdf Foraging behaviour of subordinate Great Tits (Parus major). Can morphology reduce the costs of subordination?.
2001 Oecologia -pdf Ecological plasticity by morphological design reduces costs of subordination: influence on species distribution.
2001 Ardea A phylogenetically-based analysis on the relationship between wing morphology and migratory behaviour in Passeriformes
2000 Journal of Zoology, London Ecomorphological patterns related to migration. A comparative osteological study with passerines
2000 Ardeola Social relationships in great tits (Parus major), wintering in a mountainous habitat in Central Spain
1999 Biological Journal of the Linnean Society Hindlimb morphology and locomotor performance in waders. An evolutionary approach
1998 Ardeola Ecomorphological patterns related to migration in the genus Sylvia : an osteological analysis
1998 Oecologia Breeding time, health and immune response in the chinstrap penguin Pygoscelis antartica
1997 Proceedings of the Royal Society Biological Sciences Should congruence between intra- and interspecific ecomorphological relationships be expected ? A case study with the great tit, Parus major
1995 Canadian Journal of Zoology Ecological plasticity of morphological designs. An exterimental analysis with Tit species
1994 Evolutionary Ecology Morphological evolution and changes in foraging behaviour of island and mainland populations of Blue Tit Parus caeruleus. A test of convergence and ecomorphological hypotheses
1993 Ecology Hindlimb morphology and feeding postures in four species of Parus species. An experimental ecomorphological approach
1993 Biological Journal of the Linnean Society Ecomorphological pattern of aerial feeding in Oscines (Passeriformes: Passeri)
1992 Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde Distribution pattern of small mammal fauna along latitudinal and altitudinal gradients in Northern Spain
1992 Canadian Journal of Zoology Proximal costs and benefits of heterospecific social foraging in Great Tit Parus major
1991 Canadian Journal of Zoology Pelvic appendage musculature of the Treecreepers (Passeriformes: Certhiidae). Myological adaptations for tail-supported climbing
1991 Ethology, Ecology and Evolution Patch residence time and vigilance in birds foraging at feeders. Implications of bill shape
1990 Annales Zoologici Fennici Form and function of the fibularis brevis muscle in some passerine birds
1990 Holarctic Ecology Ecomorphological relationships in a group of insectivorous birds of temperate forests in winter
1989 Hanak, V., Horacek, I. & Gaisler (eds.) European Bat Research On the bat fauna distribution in Madrid (Central Spain. En: