Scientific Marathon

In 2005 the EEZA starts a new activity of science and outreach, the scientific Marathon[. Se concibió como una jornada de encuentro entre investigadores y técnicos para compartir experiencias y aprender a aproximar las diversas actividades científicas del instituto desde diferentes puntos de vista. Aunque en los primeros años fue una actividad sólo para el personal de la EEZA, desde nuestro traslado al campus de la Universidad de Almería en 2009] the scientific Marathon has become an annual event, open to other research institutions in the province, and the public in general.[ La consolidación a lo largo de los años de nuestra Maratón como evento científico nos ha hecho incorporar la participación de un investigador de reconocido prestigio para impartir una conferencia plenaria sobre algún tema de interés para el instituto. ]

The Marathon has a very dynamic format, with short, 10-minute, and distributed papers in four morning and afternoon sessions.

For a wider dissemination, the marathon broadcasts live the EEZA Web, and can also be deferred through the link to videos of each Marathon.

[XVIII Maratón Científico - año 2024]

[El XVIII Maraton Cientifico de la EEZA, se celebro el dia 19 de Diciembre de 2024. Conto con la participación de 26 ponentes pertenecientes a la EEZA, la Universidad de Almería, la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, la Universidad de Granada, el CIEMAT - Plataforma solar de Almería y la Universidad de Sao Paulo, Brazil.]

Told with the outstanding participation of the [Dr. José Esquinas], as Rapporteur of the Conference invited.

The Conference invited led by title ["Rumbo al ECOCIDIO: Cómo frenar la amenaza a nuestra supervivencia"]

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[XVII Maratón Científico - año 2023]

[El XVII Maraton Cientifico de la EEZA, se celebro el dia 14 de Diciembre de 2023. Conto con la participación de 23 ponentes pertenecientes a la EEZA, la Universidad de Almería, la Universidad de Alicante, la Czech Academy of Sciences y la Universidad de Granada.]

Told with the outstanding participation of the [Dra. Isabel Reche y el DR. Francisco Perfectti], as Rapporteur of the Conference invited.

The Conference invited led by title ["Reivindicando el lado creativo de la ciencia"]

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[XVI Maratón Científico - año 2022]

[El XVI Maraton Cientifico de la EEZA, se celebro el dia 16 de Diciembre de 2022. Conto con la participación de 18 ponentes pertenecientes a la EEZA, la Universidad de Almería, la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, la Universidad de Alicante, la Universidad de Granada, la University of Lundel y el INIA-CSIC.]

Told with the outstanding participation of the [Dr. Fernando T. Maestre], as Rapporteur of the Conference invited.

The Conference invited led by title ["Ecología y respuesta al cambio global de las zonas áridas de nuestro planeta"]

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[XV Maratón Científico - año 2019]

[El XV Maraton Cientifico de la EEZA, se celebro el dia 13 de Diciembre de 2019. Conto con la participación de 23 ponentes pertenecientes a la EEZA, el Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía IAA-CSIC, el Laboratorio de Agrotextiles del Dpto. Ingenieria de la UAL y la Estación Biologica de Doñana - CSIC.]

Told with the outstanding participation of the [Prf. Gines Morata], as Rapporteur of the Conference invited.

The Conference invited led by title ["Competicion celular y tumorogénesis"]

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[XIV Maratón Científico - año 2018]

[El XIV Maraton Cientifico de la EEZA, se celebro el dia 04 de Octubre de 2018. Conto con la participación de 18 ponentes pertenecientes a la EEZA, el Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía IAA-CSIC, el Laboratorio de Agrotextiles del Dpto. Ingenieria de la UAL y la Estación Biologica de Doñana - CSIC.]

Told with the outstanding participation of the [Dr. Leopoldo García Sancho], as Rapporteur of the Conference invited.

The Conference invited led by title ["Antartida. La ciencia en acción"]

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[XIII Maratón Científico - año 2017]

[El XII Maraton Cientifico de la EEZA, se celebro el dia 06 de Octubre de 2017. Conto con la participación de 25 ponentes pertenecientes a la EEZA, el Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía IAA-CSIC, el Laboratorio de Agrotextiles del Dpto. Ingenieria de la UAL y la Estación Biologica de Doñana - CSIC.]

Told with the outstanding participation of the [Dr. Adolfo Marco], as Rapporteur of the Conference invited.

The Conference invited led by title ["Dispersión de anidación de tortugas marinas en respuesta al calentamiento global"]

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12th scientific Marathon - year 2016

The EEZA 12th Marathon scientist, was celebrated the day 05 February 2016. Told with the participation of 28 speakers belonging to the EEZA, the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia-IAA-CSIC, the Dept of applied physics and the Dpto Biología and geology of the UAL, the Andalusian Centre for evaluation and monitoring of the Global change (CAESCG) and the laboratory of Agrotextiles from the Engineering Department of the UAL.

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XI scientific Marathon - year 2015

The 11th Maraton Cientifico the EEZA, celebrate the day 06 March 2015. Told with the participation of 27 speakers belonging to EEZA, the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia-IAA-CSIC, the Research Institute and training agricultural and fisheries of Andalusia, from the Andalusian Centre for evaluation and monitoring of the changing Global (CAESCG), of the laboratory of Agrotextiles from the Engineering Department of the UAL and the Laboratoire Ecologie, systématique et Evolution, Université Paris Sud-CNRS.

Told with the outstanding participation of the Dr. Anders Pape Moller, as Rapporteur of the Conference invited.

The Conference invited led by title "Pregnancy, birds' nests and bacteria"

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Scientific Marathon x - year 2014

The scientific Marathon 10th, celebrate the day 14 February of 2014. Told with the participation of 29 speakers belonging to the EEZA, the UAL, the Univ. Tromsø and the EEZ.

Told with the outstanding participation of the Dr. José Miguel Barea Navarro, as Rapporteur of the Conference invited.

The Conference invited led by title "Mycorrhiza and its applications in agro-ecology and degraded area recovery of flora threatened in Mediterranean ecosystems"

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IX scientific Marathon - year 2013

The 9th scientific Marathon, held on March 5, 2013. With the participation of 27 speakers belonging to EEZA, the CAESCG the UAL and the Institute for advanced studies of Blanes.

Told with the outstanding participation of the Dr. Ortega Casamayor, as Rapporteur of the Conference invited.

The Conference invited led by title ["Macroecología y biodiversifdad de microorganismos"]

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8th scientific Marathon - year 2012

On March 16 in 20013 the EEZA held its VIII scientific Marathon. This year, the turnout was massive, a total of 34 papers carried out by staff of the EEZA, Dept. of crop production from the UAL and the Dept. of plant biology of the Faculty of biology of the UCM.

Told with the outstanding participation of the Dr. Luis Balaguer, as Rapporteur of the Conference invited.

The Conference invited led by title "The memory of the landscape: two case studies"

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VII scientific Marathon - year 2011

The VII scientific Marathon was held on March 9, 2011 at the new headquarters of arid zone Experimental Station. The change to the new building of the Institute, located on the campus of the University of Almería, opens the day participation as public university students. on this occasion we have 27 presentations performed by the EEZA and Dept. of crop production from the UAL.

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I saw scientific Marathon - 2010 year

The VI scientific the EEZA marathon held the 11 th day of March, 2010. Conto with a total of 37 speakers belonging to EEZA, the CTAP Foundation, the companies CADIA engineering, Humania project business EBTS and Aunergy Thermosolar, the technological centre of the auxiliary industry of TECNOVA agriculture as well as the address and Lab.Analitico Bioclínico of the PITA.

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V scientific Marathon - year 2009

The V scientific the EEZA Marathon was held on March 26, 2009. A total of 18 speakers was.

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IV scientific Marathon - year 2008

The scientific Marathon the EEZA IV was held February 21, 2008. A total of 27 speakers had

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III scientific Marathon - year 2007

The EEZA scientific Marathon III was held on 20 March 2007. A total of 33 speakers was

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II scientific Marathon - year 2006

The scientific Marathon II of the EEZA was held on 15 May 2006. A total of 27 speakers had

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I scientific Marathon - year 2005

The EEZA scientific Marathon I was held February 1, 2005. Conto with a total of 17 speakers

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