Publications of the Group Biología de la Conservación de Especies Amenazadas



  1. Pedigree analysis in the mhorr gazelle (Nanger dama mhorr): Genetic variability evolution of the captive population - Domingez,S. , Cervantes, I. , Gutiérrez, J.P. , Moreno, E. - - 2024.
  2. Agonistic interactions and social behaviors in the Saharan Dorcas gazelle (Gazella dorcas neglecta): Using social network analysis to evaluate relationships and social structure in captive male groups - , Fidalgo, A. , Díaz, S. , Abáigar, T. - - 2024.
  3. Pedigree analysis in the mhorr gazelle (Nanger dama mhorr): Genetic variability evolution of the captive population - Domingez,S. , Isabel Cervantes , Juan Pablo Gutiérrez , Moreno, E. - Ecology and Evolution, 14: e10876 - 2024. Scopus
  4. Diet comparison between sympatric European bison, red deer and fallow deer in a Mediterranean landscape - Filella, J.B. , Morán, F. , Kemp, Y.J.M. , Munir, H. , Gort-Esteve, A. , Cassinello, J. - Biodiversity and Conservation, 5 - 2024.


  1. Feeding Ecology of the Cuvier’s Gazelle (Gazella cuvieri, Ogilby, 1841) in the Sahara Desert - Herrera, F.J. , Lopez, C. , Rodríguez-Siles, J. , Díaz-Portero, M.Á. , Arredondo, Á. , Sáez, J.M. , Álvarez, B. , Cancio, I. , de Lucas, J. , Pérez, J. , Valenzuela, G. , Martínez Valderrama, J. , Sánchez-Cerdá, M. , Qninba, A. , Virgós, E. , Calleja, J.A. , Bartolomé, J. , Albanell, E. , Serrano, E. , Abáigar, T. , Gil-Sánchez, J.M. - - 2023.
  2. Evidence of three distinct lactation stages in nursing gazelles: Implications on maternal behaviour assessment - Fiialkovskyi, Pavlo , Cassinello, J. , Brandlová, Karolína , Ceacero, Francisco - Applied Animal Behaviour Science, Volume 258January 2023 - 2023. Scopus


  1. Group structure in vicuña (Vicugna vicugna mensalis) subject to chaku management in central Andes, Peru - E. Quispe , O. Siguas , M. Espinoza , W. Arana , J. Contreras , Cassinello, J. , J. Bartolomé - Small Ruminant Research, Volume 210, May 2022, 106661 - 2022. Scopus


  1. Population structure and genetic diversity of non-native aoudad populations - S. Stipoljev , T. Safner , P. Gancevic , A. Galov , T. Stuhne , I. Svetlicic , S. Grignolio , Cassinello, J. , N. Šprem - Nature, Article number: 12300 (2021) - 2021. Scopus
  2. The human hunter as predator: A new role under a food web restoration scenario - Cassinello, J. - Journal of Arid Environments, 186, art. no. 104420. - 2021. Scopus


  1. Publisher Correction: Identifying priority conservation areas in a Saharan environment by highlighting the endangered Cuvier’s Gazelle as a flagship species (Scientific Reports, (2020), 10, 1, (8241), 10.1038/s41598-020-65188-6) - Herrera, F.J. , Gil-Sánchez, J.M. , Álvarez, B. , Cancio, I. , de Lucas, J. , Arredondo, Á. , Díaz-Portero, M.Á. , Rodríguez-Siles, J. , Sáez, J.M. , Pérez, J. , McCain, E. , Qninba, A. , Abáigar, T. - - 2020.
  2. Identifying priority conservation areas in a Saharan environment by highlighting the endangered Cuvier’s Gazelle as a flagship species - Herrera, F.J. , Gil-Sánchez, J.M. , Álvarez, B. , Cancio, I. , de Lucas, J. , Arredondo, Á. , Díaz-Portero, M.Á. , Rodríguez-Siles, J. , Sáez, J.M. , Pérez, J. , McCain, E. , Qninba, A. , Abáigar, T. - - 2020.
  3. Identifying priority conservation areas in a Saharan environment by highlighting the endangered Cuvier’s Gazelle as a flagship species - Herrera Sánchez, FJ , Gil-Sánchez,J.M. , Álvarez, B , et al , Abáigar, T. - Scientific Reports, 10, Article number: 8241 - 2020. Scopus
  4. Habitat requirements of the Mhorr gazelle (Nanger dama mhorr): what does this species need to survive in the wild? - Abáigar, T. , Crisitina Martínez , Zouhair Amaouch , Mohamed Alifal , et al - Global Ecology and Conservation, - 2020. Scopus
  5. Identifying priority conservation areas in a Saharan environment by highlighting the endangered Cuvier’s Gazelle as a flagship species - F. Javier Herrera-Sánchez , Jose Mª Gil-Sánchez , et al , Abáigar, T. - Scientific Reports, - 2020. Scopus


  1. The first reintroduction project for mhorr gazelle (Nanger dama mhorr) into the wild: Knowledge and experience gained to support future conservation actions - Abáigar, T. , E. Rodríguez , Martínez, C. , Amaouch,Z. , Samlali, M.L. , Aparicio,F. , El Balla,T. , Essalhi,A. , Fernández,J. , García,F. , et al - Global Ecology and Conservation, 19 , art. nº e00680 - 2019. Scopus


  1. Water harvesting techniques based on terrain modification enhance vegetation survival in dryland restoration - García-Ávalos, S. , Rodriguez-Caballero, E. , Miralles, I. , Luna, L. , Domene, MA. , Solé-Benet, A. , Cantón, Y. - - 2018.
  2. Misconception and mismanagement of invasive species: The paradoxical case of an alien ungulate in Spain - Cassinello, J. - Conservation Letters, 11(5), art nº e12440 - 2018. Scopus
  3. Release of Mhorr gazelle back to the wild. In “The Dama Gazelles. Last members of a Critically Endangered Species", Elizabeth C. Mungall (Ed), - Abáigar, T. - - 2018.
  4. Status of Reintroductions. In “The Dama Gazelles. Last members of a Critically Endangered Species", Elizabeth C. Mungall (Ed), - Abáigar, T. - - 2018.
  5. Rescuing the Mhorr gazelle. In “The Dama Gazelles. Last members of a Critically Endangered Species", Elizabeth C. Mungall (Ed), - Abáigar, T. - - 2018.
  6. Using Farm Animal Welfare Protocols as a Base to Assess the Welfare of Wild Animals in Captivity—Case Study: Dorcas Gazelles (Gazella dorcas). - Salas. M. , Manteca, X. , Abáigar, T. , Delclaux, M. , Enseñat, C. , Martinez-Nevado, E. , Quevedo, M.A. , Fernandez-Bellon, H. - Animals, 8, 111 - 2018.
  7. Armed conflicts and wildlife decline: Challenges and recommendations for effective conservation policy in the Sahara-Sahel - José Carlos Brito , Sarah M. Durant , Nathalie Pettorelli , John Newby , Susan Canney , Abáigar, T. , Walid Algadafi , Thomas Rabeil , Pierre-André Crochet , Juan Manuel Pleguezuelos , Tim Wacher , Koen de Smet , Duarte Vasconcelos Gonçalves , Maria Joana Ferreira da Silva , Fernando Martínez-Freiría , João Carlos Campos , Pierre Comizzoli , Soumía Fahd - Conservation Letters, - 2018. Scopus
  8. Misconception and mismanagement of invasive species: The paradoxical case of an alien ungulate in Spain - Cassinello, J. - Conservation Letters, - 2018. Scopus


  1. Update of the distribution and status of the aoudad Ammotragus lervia (Bovidae, Caprini) in Tunisia - Mimoun, J.B. , Cassinello, J. , Nouira, S. - Mammalia, 81(2) : 181-187 - 2017. Scopus
  2. Ecotypes and evolutionary significant units in endangered north African gazelles - Ferreira, T.L. , Vale, C.G. , Godinho, R. , Fellous, A. , Hingrat, Y. , Alves, P.C. , Abáigar, T. , Brito, J.C. - Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 122 (2), pp. 286-300. - 2017. Scopus
  3. Time allocation and patterns of activity of the dorcas gazelle (Gazella dorcas) in a Sahelian habitat. - Abáigar, T. , Cano, M. , C. Ensenyat - Mammal Research, - 2017. Scopus
  4. Ecotypes and evolutionary significant units in endangered North African gazelles. - Ferreira, T.L. , Cändida G. VALE , Raquel GODINHO , Amina FELLOUS , Yves HINGRAT , Paulo C. ALVES , Abáigar, T. , José C. Brito - Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 122, 2 (286-300) - 2017. Scopus


  1. Social organization and demography of reintroduced Dorcas gazelle (Gazella dorcas neglecta) in North Ferlo Fauna Reserve, Senegal - Abáigar, T. , Cano, M. , Djigo, C.A.T., Gomis, J., Sarr, T., Youm, B., Fernández-Bellon, H., Ensenyat, C. - Mammalia, 80 (6) pp. 593-600. - 2016. Scopus
  2. Social organization and demography of reintroduced dorcas gazelle (Gazella dorcas neglecta) in North Ferlo Fauna Reserve, Senegal. - Abáigar, T. , Cano, M. , Cheikh, A.T. , Djigo, Jaques Gomis , Thialao Sarr, Babacar Youm , Hugo Fernández , Conrad Ensenyat - Mammalia, - 2016.


  1. Ecological effects of game management: Does supplemental feeding affect herbivory pressure on native vegetation? - Miranda, M. , Cristóbal, I. , Díaz, L. , Sicilia, M. , Molina-Alcaide, E. , Bartolomé, J. , Fierro, Y. , Cassinello, J. - Wildlife Research , 42 (4) pp. 353-361. - 2015. Scopus
  2. Genetic identification of endangered North African ungulates using noninvasive sampling - Silva, T.L. , Godinho, R. , Castro, D. , Abáigar, T. , Brito, J.C. , Alves, P.C. - Molecular Ecology Resources, 15 (3) pp. 652-661 - 2015. Scopus


  1. Splitting or lumping? A conservation dilemma exemplified by the critically endangered dama gazelle (Nanger dama) - Senn, H. , Banfield, L. , Wacher, T. , Newby, J. , Rabeil, T. , Kaden, J. , Kitchener, A.C. , Abáigar, T. , Silva, T.L. , Maunder, M. , Ogden, R. - PLoS ONE, 9 (6), art. no. e98693 - 2014. Scopus
  2. Fiddling in biodiversity hotspots while deserts burn? Collapse of the Sahara's megafauna - S.M. Durant , T. Wacher , S. Bashir , R. Woodroffe , P. De Ornellas , C. Ransom , J. Newby , Abáigar, T. , M. Abdelgadir , H. El Alqamy , J. Baillie , M. Beddiaf , F. Belbachir , A. Belbachir-Bazi , A.A. Berbash , N.E. Bemadjim , R. Beudels-Jamar , L. Boitani , C. Breitenmoser , Cano, M. , P. Chardonnet , B. Collen , W.A. Cornforth , F. Cuzin , P.Gerngross , B. Haddane , M. Hadjeloum , A. Jacobson , A. Jebali , F. Lamarque , D. Mallon , K. Minkowski , S. Monfort , B. Ndoassal , B. Niagate , G. Purchase , S. Samaïla , A.K. Samna , C. Sillero-Zubiri , A.E. Soultan , M.R. Stanley Price , N. Pettorelli - Diversity and Distributions, 20 (1) pp. 114-122. - 2014. Scopus
  3. Husbandry guidelines for captive breeding and management of saharawi dorcas gazelle (Gazella dorcas neglecta) - López Jiménez de Rueda, Lucía , Abáigar, T. - Biblioteca de Ciencias 41, CSIC, - 2013. Scopus | Download as PDF
  4. Habitat preference of reintroduced dorcas gazelles (Gazella dorcas neglecta)in North Ferlo, Senegal - Abáigar, T. , Cano, M. , C. Ensenyat - Journal of Arid Environments, 97:176-181 - 2013.
  5. Conservation genetics of the endangered Dorcas gazelle (Gazella dorcas spp.) in Northwestern Africa - Godinho, R. , Abáigar, T. , Lopes, S. , Essalhi, A. , Ouragh, L. , Cano, M. , Ferrand, N. - Conservation Genetics, 13(4):1003-1015 - 2012.
  6. Characterization of the estrous cycle and reproductive traits of the aoudad (Ammotragus lervia) in captivity - Abáigar, T. , Domene, MA. , Cassinello, J. - Theriogenology, 77(9):1759-1766 - 2012.
  7. Trajectory variance and autocorrelations within single-sperm tracks as population-level Descriptors of sperm track complexity, predictability, and energy-generating ability - Abáigar, T. , Barbero, J. , Holt, W.V. - International Journal of Andrology, 33(2):216-228 - 2012.
  8. Forgotten biodiversity in desert ecosystems - Durant, S.M. , Pettorelli, N. , Bashir, S. , Woodroffe, R. , Wacher, T. , De Ornellas, P. , Ransom, C. , Abáigar, T. , Abdelgadir, M. , El Alqamy, H. , Belbachir, F. , Berbash, A.A. , Beudels-Jamar, R. , Boitani, L. , Breitenmoser, C. , Cano, M. , Chardonnet, P. , Collen, B. , Cornforth, W.A. , Cuzin, F. , Gerngross, P. , Haddane, B. , Hadjeloum, M. , Jacobson, A. , Jebali, A. , Lamarque, F. , Mallon, D. , Monfort, S. , Ndoassal, B. , Newby, J. , Ngakoutou, B.E. , Niagate, B. , Purchase, G. , Samaila, S. , Samna, A.K. , Sillero-Zubiri, C. , Soultan, A.E. , Price, M.R. Stanley - Science, 336 (6087):1379-1380 - 2012. | Download as PDF
  9. Gazella dorcas neglecta International Studbook - Abáigar, T. - Internacional Studbook, - 2012. | Download as PDF
  10. Effects of fecal age and seasonality on steroid hormone concentration as a reproductive parameter in field studies - Abáigar, T. , Domene, MA. , Palomares, F. - European Journal of Wildlife Research, 56(5):781-787 - 2010. | Download as PDF
  11. The role of Senegal in the recovery of hte Sahelo-Saharan antelope species: the case of the reintroduction of Dorcas Gazelle. - Abáigar, T. , Babacar Youm , Marius Niaga , Conrad Ensenyat , Cano, M. - Gnusletter , 28(1):6-8 - 2009. | Download as PDF
  12. Inventaire de reconnaissance de la Gazelle dorcas (Gazella dorcas) et de la Gazelle leptocère (Gazella leptoceros) entre l´Oued Es Segguer et l´Oued Zergoun-Grand Erg Occidental (Wilaya d´El Bayadh, Algérie). Projet de Coopération Internationale hispano-algérienne (AECID-MERS), Ref A/011012/07. - Abáigar, T. , Belbachir-Bazi, A. , Cano, M. - Rapport scientifique et technique. Almería (Espagne)-Bejaïa (Algérie), Avril 2009, iv+29 pp, - 2009. | Download as PDF
  13. Proposition d´aménagement et de gestion d´un centre d´élevage de gazelles en captivité. Projet de Coopération Internationale hispano-algérienne (AECID-MERS), Ref: A/011012/07. - Abáigar, T. , Belbachir-Bazi, A. , Cano, M. - Rapport scientifique-technique. Almería (Espagne)-Bejaïa (Algérie), Avril 2009, iii+54 pp, - 2009. | Download as PDF
  14. Saharawi Dorcas Gazelle (Gazella dorcas neglecta) International Studbook - Abáigar, T. - Almería (España/Spain), Febrero/February 2009, 59 pp, - 2009. | Download as PDF
  15. Hormone profiles in the iberian lynx: application to "in situ" and "ex situ" conservation. - K. Pelican , Abáigar, T. , A. Vargas , J.M. Rodríguez , J. Bergara , A. Rivas , F. Martinez , D. Rodríguez , J. Brown , D.E. Wildt - Iberian Lynx Exsitu Conservation: an interdisciplinary approach. Vargas, A., Breitenmoser, C. and Breitenmoser, U. (eds.). Fundación Biodiversidad, Madrid 2009, pp 358-368 - 2009. | Download as PDF
  16. El MMA, a través del proyecto Azahar fomenta su conservación "in situ": Gacelas dorcas en el norte de África. - Abáigar, T. , Cano, M. - Ambienta, 28-33, Julio-Agosto 2007 - 2007. | Download as PDF
  17. Reintroducción de la gacela dorcas en Senegal. - Abáigar, T. , Cano, M. - Ambienta, 34-39.Julio-Agosto 2007 - 2007. | Download as PDF
  18. Applications and interpretation of computer-assisted sperm analyses and sperm sorting methods in assisted breeding and comparative research. - William V. Holt , Justine O´Brien , Abáigar, T. - Reproduction, fertility and development, 19: 709-718 - 2007. | Download as PDF
  19. Hormone profiles in the iberian lynx: application to in-situ and ex-situ conservation. - Katharine M. Pelican , Abáigar, T. - Iberian Lynx Ex situ Conservation Seminars Series: Book of Proceedings Fundación Biodiversidad, Sevilla & Doñana, September-November 2006, 200 pp, pp 113-116 - 2006. Scopus
  20. Unique reproductive hormone profiles in the critically endangered iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus). Proceedings American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, Tampa-Florida (USA), Sept. 2006 - Katharine M. Pelican , Astrid Vargas , Abáigar, T. , Jose Manuel Rodriguez , Juana Bergara , David Rodriguez , Antonio Rivas , Janine Brown , David E. Wildt - - 2006. | Download as PDF
  21. Output of gastrointestinal nematode ova in the feces of captive gazelles (Gazella dama mhorr, Gazella cuvieri and Gazella dorcas neglecta) in a semiarid region of southeastern Spain. - Ortiz, J. , R. Ruiz de Ybañez , Abáigar, T. , M. Goyena , M. Garijo , Espeso, G. , Cano, M. - Journal Zoo and Wildlife Medicine , 37:249-254 - 2006.
  22. Evaluation of habitat use of a semi-captive population of Cuvier's gazelles Gazella cuvieri following release in Boukornine National Park, Tunisia - Abáigar, T. , Cano, M. , Sakkouhi, M. - Acta Theriologica, 50(3):405-415 - 2005. | Download as PDF
  23. Sperm heterogeneity as revealed by a new approach of sperm motility function. - Abáigar, T. , J. Barbero , W.V. Holt - Reproduction in domestic animals., Workshop Abstracts 40(4):332 - 2005.
  24. Kinematic changes during the cryopreservation of boar spermatozoa - Cremades, T. , Roca, J. , Rodriguez-Martinez, H. , Abáigar, T. , Vazquez, J. , Martinez, E. - International Journal of Andrology, 26(5):610-618 - 2005. | Download as PDF
  25. Conservación y manejo de la Gacela de Cuvier (Gazella cuvieri Ogilby, 1841) en cautividad. Registro Internacional.Instituto de Estudios Almerienses. Colección Medio Ambiente nº 1. 102p.Almería - Abáigar, T. , Cano, M. - - 2005.
  26. Suivi de l'humidité du sol dans les oasis littorales tunisiennes pour une meilleure gestion de l'irrigation et du drainage - Moussa,M. , Solé-Benet, A. , Domene, MA. , Vidal, S. - Revue des Régions Arides, nº spécial, tome 1, pp 370-377 - 2004. | Download as PDF
  27. Daily soil water content fluctiations in rangelands from semi-arid SE Spain. In M.Tropeano, M.Arattano, F.Maraga, C.Pelissero (eds) Progress in Surface and subsurface water studies at the plot and small basin scale (ERB Euromediterranean Conference) pp 72-75, CNR, Turin, Italy - Villagarcía,L. , Were, A , Cantón,Y. , Fernández,F , Moro,M.J. , Domene, MA. , Solé-Benet, A. , Domingo,F. - - 2004.
  28. Periparturient increase in faecal egg counts in a captive population of mohor gazelle (Gazella dama mhorr) - de Ybañez, M.R.R. , Goyena, M. , Abáigar, T. , Garijo, M.M. , Martinez-Carrasco, C. , Espeso, G. , Cano, M. , Ortiz, J.M. - Veterinary Record, 154(2): 49-52 - 2004. | Download as PDF
  29. Endocrine correlates of sexual behavior in the Mohor gazelle (Gazella dama mhorr) - Amanda R. Pickard , William V. Holt , Daphne I. Green , Cano, M. , Abáigar, T. - Hormones and Behavior, 44:303-310 - 2003. | Download as PDF
  30. Genetic resource banks for species conservation. Cambridge University Press. pp 267-280 - Holt, W.V. , Abáigar, T. , P.F. Watson , D.E. Wildt - Reproductive Science and Integrated Conservation, Cambridge University Press. pp 267-280 - 2003. | Download as PDF
  31. Conservación y manejo de una especie amenazada en cautividad. Gazella dorcas neglecta International Studbook. Biblioteca de Ciencias 8, 111 pp.Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Madrid. - Abáigar, T. - - 2002. | Download as PDF
  32. Graphical approaches to the analysis of fractal dimension on sperm motility. - Abáigar, T. , Holt, W.V. - Reproduction. Abstracts, 29: 25. - 2002. | Download as PDF
  33. Integrated Approaches to the Establishment of Genetic Resource Banks for Endangered Gazelles.Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Spermatology. Van der Horst, G., Franken, D., de Jager, T., Bornman, R. and Dyer, S. (Eds). Monduzzi Editore, Bologna, Italy. pp 127-132. - Holt, W.V. , Pickard, A.R. , Abáigar, T. , Cano, M. - - 2002. | Download as PDF
  34. Effect of different methods of administration of ivermectin on its efficacy against the shedding of gastrointestinal nematode eggs by gazelles - Ortiz, J. , Ruiz De Ybañez, M.R. , Goyena, M. , Alonso, F. , Abáigar, T. , Espeso, G. , Cano, M. - Veterinary Record, 149(1):12-15 - 2001.
  35. Abomasal and small intestinal nematodes from captive gazelles in Spain - Ortiz, J. , Ruiz De Ybáñez, M.R. , Garijo, M.M. , Goyena, M. , Espeso, G. , Abáigar, T. , Cano, M. - Journal of Helminthology, 75(4):363-365 - 2001.
  36. Self balance impedance bridge, un método alternativo al TDR para la determinación de la humedad edáfica - Magán, H. , Ordiales, R. , Domene, MA. , Vidal, S. - Ecosistemas, X (3): 29-36 - 2001. | Download as PDF
  37. Hormonal and behavioural predictors of breeding success in the Mohor Gazelles (Gazella dama mhorr). - Pickard, A.R. , Abáigar, T. , Green, D.I. , Cano, M. , Holt, W.V. - Theriogenology, 55, 396. - 2001. | Download as PDF
  38. Hormonal characterisation of the reproductive cycle and pregnancy in the female Mohor gazelle (Gazella dama mhorr). - Pickard, A.R. , Abáigar, T. , Green, D.I. , Holt, W.V. , Cano, M. - Reproduction, 122: 571-580 - 2001. | Download as PDF
  39. Use the computer-assisted sperm motility assessment and multivariate pattern analysis to characterise ejaculate quality in the Mohor Gazelle (Gazella dama mhorr). Effects of bodyweight, electroejaculation technique and short-term semen storage - Abáigar, T. , Cano, M. , A.R. Pickard , W.V. Holt. - Reproduction, 122: 265-273 - 2001.
  40. Towards the development of a GRB for the Mohor Gazelle. Putting theory in practice. P.F. Watson and W.V. Holt (eds), pp.125-139. Taylor and Francis. London . - Abáigar, T. , Holt W.V. - Cryobanking the Genectic Resource . Wildlife Conservation for the Future?, - 2001.
  41. The effect of different methods of administration on the efficacy of ivermectin againts the shedding of gastrointestinal nematode eggs in gazelles. - Ortiz, J. , Ruiz de Ibañez, M.R. , Abáigar, T. , Goyena, M. , Espeso, G. , Alonso, F.D. , Cano, M. - Veterinary Record, 149(1): 12-15. - 2001. | Download as PDF
  42. Abomasal and small intestinal nematodes in captive gazelles (Gazella dama mhorr, G. Cuvieri and G. dorcas neglecta) in Spain - Ortiz, J. , Ruiz de Ybañez, M.R. , Garijo, M.M. , Goyena, M. , Espeso, G. , Abáigar, T. , Cano, M. - Journal of Helmintology, 75:1-3 - 2001.
  43. Records of Eimeria spp. And their patterns of excretion in captive north african gazelles - Ruiz de Ibañez, M.R. , Ortiz, Garijo , Espeso, G. , Abáigar, T. , Cano, M. - Comparative Parasitology, 68(1): 134-137 - 2001.
  44. Oral administration of mebendazole failed to reduce nematode egg shedding in captive african gazelles - Ortiz, J. , Ruiz de Ibañez, M.R. , Abáigar, T. , Espeso, G. , Cano, M. - Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 68:79-82 - 2001.
  45. Use of pooled faecal samples in assessing nematode egg shedding in captive gazelles (Gazella species) - Ortiz, J. , Ruiz De Ybáñez, R. , Abáigar, T. , Espeso, G. , Cano, M. - Veterinary Record, 147(7):196-197 - 2000.
  46. España y Túnez cooperan para evitar que la Gacela de Cuvier se extinga - Cano, M. , Abáigar, T. - Quercus, 168: 6 - 2000.
  47. Pooled samples collected from the soil are representative of the nematode eggs shedding in herds of gazelles in captivity - Ortiz, J., , Ruiz de Ybañez, M.R. , Abáigar, T. , Espeso, G. , Cano, M. - The Veterinary Record, 147:196-197 - 2000.
  48. Estrogen excretion as a prediction of fertility in an exotic ungulate, the Mohor Gazelle (Gazella dama mhorr) - A.R. Pickard , Abáigar, T. , D.I. Green , W.V. Holt , Cano, M. - Theriogenology, Abstracts, 53:343 - 2000. | Download as PDF
  49. Inbreeding effects on sperm quality in endangered ungulate species - Roldan, R.R.S. , Gomendio, M. , Cassinello, J. , Abáigar, T. - Journal of Reproduction and Fertility. Abstracts, 24: 5 - 1999.
  50. Sperm subpopulation in boar and gazelle (Gazella dama mhorr) semen as revealed by pattern analysis of computer-assisted motility assessments - Abáigar, T. , Holt, W.V. , Harrison, R.A.P. , del Barrio, G. - Biology of Reproduction, 60 (1): 32-41 - 1999.
  51. Characteristics of the ejaculate in three endangered species of gazelles (Gazella dama mhorr, G. dorcas neglecta and G. cuvieri). - Cassinello, J. , Abáigar, T. , Gomendio, M. , Roldán, E.R.S. - Journal Reproduction and Fertility, 113:35-45 - 1998. | Download as PDF
  52. Effects of oestrus synchronisation on Mohor gazelle fertility, studied by faecal steroid excretion - Pickard, A , Abáigar, T. , Holt, W.V. , Cano, M. - Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, Abstracts 22,64 - 1998.
  53. Inbreeding, fluctuating asymetry, and ejaculate quality in an endangered ungulate - Roldan, E.R.S , Cassinello, J. , Abáigar, T. , Gomendio, M. - Proceedings of the Royal Society Biological Sciences, 265:243-248 - 1998.
  54. Introduction of Mohor Gazelle (Gazella dama mhorr) in Bou-Hedma National Park, Tunisia - Abáigar, T. , Cano, M. , Espeso, G. , Ortiz, J. - Int. Zoo Yearbook, 35: 311-316 - 1997.
  55. Oestrus synchronization, semen preservation and artificial insemination in the Mohor gazelle (Gazella dama mhorr) for the establishment of a genome resource bank programme - Holt, W.V , Abáigar, T. , Jabbour, H - Reproduction, fertility and development, 8:1215-1222 - 1996.
  56. Genotypic and phenotypic characteristics of individuals males affect objectively measured parameters of sperm motion in the Mohor Gazelle (Gazella dama mhorr). - Holt, W.V. , Abáigar, T. - Journal of Reproduction and Fertility. Abstracts, Abstract Series 3 - 1996.
  57. Effect of Mebendazol and Ivermectin in shedding of nematode eggs by three species of gazelle (Gazella dama mhorr, G. Cuvieri and G. Dorcas) - Abáigar, T. , Ortíz, J. , Cano, M. , Albadalejo, A. , Alonso, F.D. - J. Zoo Wildl. Medicine, 26(3):392-395 - 1995.
  58. Habitat preference of wild boar (Sus scrofa, L. 1758) in a mediterranean environment. Indirect evaluation by signs - Abáigar, T. , del Barrio, G. , Vericad, J.R. - Mammalia, 58 (2): 201-210 - 1994.
  59. Régimen alimentario del jabalí (Sus scrofa, L. 1758) en el sudeste ibérico. - Abáigar, T. - Doñana, Acta Vertebrata, 20 (1:35-48) - 1993.
  60. Distribución del jabalí (Sus scrofa) en la provincia de Almería - Abáigar, T. - Instituto de Estudios Almerienses, 11/12, 27-33 - 1993.
  61. Libro de Registro Internacional de Gazella dorcas neglecta. Studbook of Gazella dorcas neglecta. Instituto de Estudios Almerienses. Monografía nº. 22. ISBN 84-8108-018-7 - Abáigar, T. - - 1993.
  62. Establishment of a group of Dama Gazelles Gazella dama for reintroduction in Senegal - Cano, M. , Abáigar, T. , Vericad, J.R. - Int. Zoo Yearbook, 32:98-107 - 1993.
  63. Haematology and serum chemistry values for captive Dama Gazelle (Gazella dama mhorr) and Cuvier`s Gazelle (Gazella cuvieri). Age, gender, and reproductive status differences - Abáigar, T. - J. Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 24 (2):177-184 - 1993.
  64. Reproductive parameters of the wild boar Sus scrofa, south-eastern Iberian Peninsula [Parametres de la reproduction chez le sanglier (Sus scrofa) dans le sud-est de la peninsule iberique] - Abáigar, T. - Mammalia, 56(2):245-250 - 1992.
  65. Paramètres de la reproduction chez le sanglier (Sus scrofa) dans le sud-est de la péninsule ibérique - Abáigar, T. - Mammalia, 56: 245-250 - 1992.
  66. Dama Gazelle (Gazella dama sp.) EEP Annual Report 1990. 147-149. In Brouer, K., Smits, S. and De Boer, L.E.M. (eds): "EEP Yearbook 1991, with summaries of contributions and discussions of the 8th EEP Conference, Budapest 12-15 May 1991". Amsterdam - Cano, M. - - 1991.
  67. El Antílope Mohor Gazella (=Nanger) dama mhorr Bennett, 1832 en cautividad - Cano, M. - Serv. de Publicaciones Univ. de Granada. ISBN 84-338-1334-X, - 1991.
  68. Cytogenetic analisys (GTG, CBG and NOR bands) of a wild boar population (Sus scrofa scrofa) with chromosomal polymorphism in the south-east of Spain - Arroyo Nombela, J.J. , Rodríguez-Murcia, C. , Abáigar, T. , Vericad, J.R. - Genetics Selection Evolution, 22: 1-9 - 1990.
  69. GTG-Banded Karyotype of Gazella dama mhorr, Bennett, 1833. Cytogenetic Relationship with other members of the subgenus Nanger. Z. - Arroyo Nombela, J.J. , Rodríguez Murcia, T. , Abáigar, T. , Vericad, J.R. - Saugetierkunde, 55:194-201 - 1990.


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