Site-Specific Nutrient Data Reveal the Importance of Soils in Driving the Mycorrhizal Make-Up of Woody Vegetation Worldwide
Hua, X.
Lusk, C.H.
Dickie, I.A.
Adu-Bredu, S.
Allen, K.J.
Araus, V.
Augusto, L.
Barsukov, P.
Bauman, D.
Brédoire, F.
Burslem, D.F.R.P.
Dalling, J.W.
Depauw, L.
Dexter, K.G.
Drouet, T.
Godlee, J.L.
Godoy, R.
Gutiérrez, R.A.
Muledi, J.I.
Jacobs, A.
Kooyman, R.
Latorre, C.
Angulo, J.L.
Macé, S.
Maes, S.L.
Gonçalves, F.M.P.
Junior, B.H.M.
Nicolas, M.
Nilus, R.
O'Brien MJ
Menor, I.O.
Piper, F.I.
Read, J.
Reynolds, G.
Saldaña, A.
Marimon, B.S.
Verheyen, K.
Westoby, M.
Wigley, B.
Wright, I.J.
Culturomics and iEcology provide novel opportunities to study human and social dimensions of alien species introductions
Jaric, I.
Pipek, P.
Pyšek, P.
Stakeholders' views on the global guidelines for the sustainable use of non-native trees
Vimercati, G.
Brundu, G.
Richardson, D.M.
Schaffner, U.
Brunori, A.
Campagnaro, T.
Canavan, S.
Celesti-Grapow, L.
Dechoum, M.
Dehnen-Schmutz, K.
Dufour-Dror, J.-M.
Essl, F.
Flory, S.L.
Jäger, H.
Joshi, J.
Karmann, M.
Langdon, B.
Lapin, K.
Le Roux, J.
Lozano, V.
Masiero, M.
Meyerson, L.A.
Nuñez, M.A.
Pauchard, A.
Pergl, J.
Porté, A.J.
Pyšek, P.
Pyšková, J.
Rodriguez, J.
Shackleton, R.T.
Silva, J.S.
Sitzia, T.
Verbrugge, L.
Vítková, M.
Weldesemaet, Y.T.
Westergren, M.
Wilson, J.R.U.
Tree growth and survival are more sensitive to high rainfall than drought in an aseasonal forest in Malaysia
O'Brien MJ
Hector, A.
Ong, R.
Philipson, C.D.