Lista de videos

Carlos Melián Eawag, ETH, Switzerland

The stability and complexity of eco-evolutionary networks in meta-ecosystems

David H. Wise University of Illinois at Chicago, IL, USA

The strength of top-down and bottom-up control processes in the soil food web: Insights from field experiments

Bernat Vila, Albert Garcia, Àngel Galobart Institut Català de Paleontologia, Sabadell

Setting the parameters in a cretaceous food web

Marta Montserrat & Diego Serrano IHM-La Mayora – CSIC, Málaga

Progress on a real system to integrate biological pest control with Weaver

Sara Sánchez INIA, Madrid

Soil nematodes and food web modeling: Opportunities and limitations

Dolores Ruiz-Lupión EEZA-CSIC

Beyond Weaver: insights into the evolution of allometry

Jordi Moya-Laraño EEZA-CSIC

Weaver 2.0: present and future challenges


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